
Lots of progress!

So, let's see. We have a new MATTRESS! Or should I say, finally we have a bed! We were so lucky to "win" the mattress! We bought tickets at a benefit to win the mattress and box spring, but sadly our numbers weren't drawn - but my uncle's number was drawn and he gave it to us!!! So, so thankful! Thank you Uncle Jeff!

So, we had the mattress set. But we didn't have a bed frame. So, we tried an American Mattress nearby. The young man working was very nice and super helpful, and we were able to save $15 by buying a floor model. Well, we took the bed frame home, but it was defective - there were no holes to slide the hooks into! It looked like a piece was missing. We went back to the store the next day, and an older man was working. We told him our problem, and he was puzzled as to how that happened. The only thing he could think of was that the floor model pieces were put together wrong in the package. So, with our third trip to the same store, we brought our bed frame back in, and the older man replaced it with a brand new bed frame! Yay! I would highly recommend that store to anyone!

Also, just one more week until we get our new WASHER AND DRYER! Woo hoo! We have piles of laundry building up, and our new washer and dryer will find a very happy and useful place in our home!

Here's a tip: Be patient, and things will work out! That's the moral of this story! :)


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